Thursday, December 3, 2009

You spin me round, round baby

I took my second spin class today. Since my knee won't let me do the runs I like to do I am in search of new forms of cardio. I like the idea of a spin class because I dream of doing a mini triathlon so I can tell myself this is part of that training.

My first class last week was OK. My quads were burning almost the entire time, I turned on the monitor wrong so I never knew my speed, I wore sweat pants which flopped around, made me quite warm and had no padding on my butt and I had no sense of what kind of resistance or exertion I was supposed to be experiencing. At the end of the class I don't know if I did anything right but at the same time I was unsure I would be able to walk up the stairs to go home.

Today I was a pro. I knew what to expect. I wore my bike shorts with the padded butt, correctly turned on the monitor and was more aware of how much or little resistance I wanted during each transition. It felt like a real workout and I imagine that I will be better at keeping up with my hubby next summer.

This class is at the YMCA near my house. My neighbor has quite a few guest passes she needs to use before the end of the year and has invited me to join her. We are discussing taking a different class tomorrow called "body pump". She talks about this class all the time and I am interested to see how confused and uncoordinated I can be during that one.

Isabelle loves the childcare at the Y. She starts off in one room where they do some sort of cute craft each day and by the end of the class she is in the kids gym where they have the usual plastic slide experience but also lots of mats around to roll around on and a rope hanging from the ceiling that the kids can swing from. I have to drag her out of there every time.

I spent the last year working in childcare at a different health club and I can tell you the kids didn't have nearly as much fun. No structure at all just a bunch of free for all play. I am trying to get my job back starting in January but if it doesn't work out I definitely think I will join the Y. If my daughter is happy my workouts will be so much more enjoyable.

So day 3 of my body feeling sore and I am loving it. I feel stronger. I feel more in control. I feel like I will be able to regain my health. And I am finding myself feeling capable in other areas of my life as well. I can imagine myself finishing some projects in my office closet. I can imagine myself being more disciplined with my quiet times and bible study materials. I can imagine myself taking on more responsibilities at our church, in John's business. I can imagine myself taking charge of a 4 year old who is really starting to wear me out.

I haven't begun to plan dinner yet but I know that needs to be my next step if I am going to continue to be successful. If I don't know what we are having for dinner in the next 20 minutes I likely will make a bad choice when the time does come.

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