Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Hang Over

Maverick has not been making good choices.

I have a food hang over. Last night I went to the "Buena Vista Social Club" holiday party, (that is the fancy name the neighborhood women have given to our monthly get togethers.) We all brought either an appetizer or a dessert, put them on the center island in our hostess's home and stood around it for 4 hours mindless popping food into our mouths while chatting. I sat in front of fritos and 3 kinds of dip, a plate of Christmas cookies, a plate of chocolate truffles, cheese puffs and more. I also walked over to the other side for more goodies like the asparagus wrapped in cream cheese and meat as well as my offering of homemade vegetable won tons. (I did bring something healthy.) Add a couple glasses of wine and I went home with a bit of a tummy ache. And I was really thirsty. I downed a full glass of water and went to bed only to wake up at 4am feeling miserable, thirsty, back pain and acid stomach. As I lay there willing myself to fall back to sleep I realized something, I am not taking this flight school very seriously. I really need to pull it together.

Last January I made the decision to do an "endo diet" which I followed from the first of the year to about Easter. I am starting to see why it came to a head last December motivating the change, this is a horrible eating time of year. As this year comes to a close alot of the issues I was having last year that motivated that change are starting to return and I am wondering if I don't need to return to that diet again this winter. While I told many people I couldn't wait to be off the diet I would in the same breath acknowledge the fact that it was working. I could tell within a few weeks that it was making a difference in my energy levels, how I felt and my ability to manage my pain during periods. I even had a couple months this past year (after Africa where I ate little more than rice, beans and cabbage for 2 weeks) where my periods came and went with so little fanfare that I almost felt cured.

It is often in misery that the catalyst for change is born. I quit caffeine years ago because of bad stomach issues I had, after falling off the wagon and having them return I now diligently avoid caffeine (plus I am no longer immune to its powers to keep me up all night). When dairy went so did the low level nausea I had been experiencing for years. If I cheat too much that comes right back reminding me why I drink almond milk and use rice cheese. And so here I am a year later trying to tell myself I do not need to completely live the endo diet but struggling.

Today I wake up with my food hang over ready to change. Ready to take charge. Ready to work toward going to the top of the class in this Top Gun flight school.

In my mind I keep thinking I am mis-named as Maverick but really maybe it is right for me. Because of my past successes I tend to think that I am better with my diet and knowledge and therefore don't need to put as much effort in as others. In the mean time everyone else is shooting past me while I get stuck in a rut. (and then kill Goose with my cocky attitude...I'll try not to actually do that)

With Christmas less than 2 weeks away I still have plenty of time to make lots of great choices before the holiday meals descend. I don't have any more parties on my calendar (except the one today with Iceman, I assume she will provide some appropriate choices for us,) so I will feel great on my way to the various Christmas gatherings. I pulled out a 40 day book I did with Iceman several years ago called "Extreme Makeover" something, something. Anyway, the author has you eating a diet pretty similar to the endo diet by the end of the book but still acknowledges that we can't be perfect all the time and allows for what he calls "vacation meals". So I am going to work hard for the next couple weeks and then allow for a couple vacation meals over Christmas and New Years before returning "home".

Let's get started!

Maverick finally IN

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