Thursday, December 3, 2009

Giddy Up

--Goose in the house--

I've had a successful day. I felt sooo much better attitude-wise than I did all day yesterday. I did ressurect the evening after a mini-binge by taking another brisk walk outside while talking to Maverick on the cell phone as she did the same in the frozen tundra. Wow, it really improved my mood to move!

Getting dressed I decided to try on my jeans that have not been fitting me....they fit! And they fit even, dare I say, a bit loose! I am glowing!!

Kicked off this morning with bible study and my favorite soul sisters on the planet. Just drank coffee....all decaf, but ended the morning with one cup of! What a kick in the pants! When you are totally decaf, one cup of the real joe really pumps you up! I was positively giddy!

Enjoyed my black bean burger that I posted about for lunch.

I was literally craving getting out for my run by the afternoon! (who is this mad woman??) I did my three miles and came home to hit the Shred.

I didn't hate Jillian quite as much today. But I still strongly disliked her.

I felt a bit dehydrated during the Shred and even a little dizzy. Knew I had not eaten enough or drank enough water throughout the morning...must make sure to stay on top of that.

Finished Shredding and drank a big glass of water and had a bowl of my uncle sam's and a banana, which I should have eaten for breakfast this morning...this was around 4pm so it is staving off my late afternoon desire to eat everything in sight.

I have no idea why today is so different than yesterday. I was so cranky and irritable yesterday. I made late day bad choices. But I also managed to resurrect those bad choices with a brisk run and getting my laundry hampers emptied that had been plaguing me (and my wingman) for days.

Must move on...carpool to drive...I am in the carpool phase of life, always in the car. Life is good. Today anyway. :)

--Goose Out--

1 comment:

  1. Try to remeber and focus on this day. You rock.

    We should go for a walk again soon.
