Monday, December 7, 2009

Still Kickin...

Goose In...

Had a great weekend, let myself get a little loose, but I am telling myself it is prep for how to live normally within reason. I figure I will be out of "losing and toning" mode by Jan. and into maintenence mode, so I need to learn how to be able to indulge in those times that are important, while being careful the majority of the time.

So, Friday night we had my bible study dinner with spouses. It was a lovely time. These are my girls. I love them and trust them completely. It was so wonderful to spend the evening with them and their husbands. We had delicious appetizers, dinner, dessert, and wine. And I enjoyed all of it...I believe within relative reason. I had worked out earlier in the day and had been careful about eating before the evening.

On Saturday, I was busy all day and decided that would be my day off for the week of exercising. I am trying to only take one day off a week during this hard core hitting towards my goals. The day was filled with kids activities, and I ate well.

Sunday....oh boy. I had a mini binge. I can see where it all went wrong from the start of the day. I did not have time to eat my breakfast before heading off to church...not a good idea. By the time we got home it was 12:30 and I was famished. I had the potato-skins I had made from the left over twice-baked potatoes I had made for Friday night and popped them in the oven "for CJ". Then he wanted me to pop in a cheese pizza and pepperoni pizza "for him and the girls". He also came home with wings and blue cheese dressing. Ugh. I decided I would have 2 of the skins for lunch. They were yummy. I decided I would have one more, and a square of cheese pizza. And then I decided to have one more and another square of cheese pizza. Geesh.

Then I headed to my friends to help with her daughters birthday tea party. I managed to only eat two very small dark chocolate truffles there, because, you know, dark chocolate is good for the heart.

When I got home around 5pm I felt desperate to work out! So I headed out and ran 3 miles and then came home to shred. I was so glad I got the workout in. I felt much better and didn't eat anything else the rest of the day, so I figured even though I had a mini binge, it was all I ate all day so it probably averaged out in calories okay.

Today I am back on track, feeling good. My irritability seems to have passed finally. Kicked off the day with whole wheat english muffin with organic peanut butter and a banana and glass of milk.

Am thinking of beginning level 3 of Shred today and wondering what new kinds of sick torture Jillian can put my body through.

I was so happy this weekend to discover that I have lost a pant size and fit into all my pants that have been collecting dust the last several months. I am trying to aviod the scale for now as it doesn't seem to be agreeing with the fact that the smaller size fits me. I can only attribute it to all the exercising and tightening. Realistically I suppose it is normal and healthy to lose only a pound a week, so I am going to get over myself.

I'm feeling pretty good overall, and believe I will be completely at my goal and needing to learn to maintain around January.

Goose Out

1 comment:

  1. I guess I don't feel quite as bad about my pizza if you had some this weekend too. This is what it is all about, making choices but getting right back at it. Staying motivated and focussed.
