Friday, December 4, 2009

The Literal Ice Man

This morning as I donned my workout clothes, making sure to choose the capris instead of the shorts I'm so fond of, I felt a wave of sadness. Wasn't I just in much warmer weather?! I know I was running in 40 degree weather just a week ago. Now I'm bundling up in my warmest winter coat to dash from door to door in 20 degree weather. At 5:30 in the morning.

Anyway, I've had a great 3 days. I've eaten well. Stayed away from sugar. Eaten A LOT more fruits and vegetables. (I might turn into a Clementine before it's all over.) I've been feeling tired and out of gas, but I know it's from the sugar detox.

I weighed myself at the Club this morning, I was feeling slimmer! ... and I'm up about 1/2 lb. What up!!!!! I have been eating well, but I haven't been doing my Weight Watcher's tracking. So today I'm going to start back up with my tracking and see if that doesn't reveal to me some excesses that I'm not realizing.

My only confession is that I did take one bite of the crumbles that fell of the knife of the triple chocolate cake that everyone was eating at Small group last night. The WAVE of addiction was powerful, but I busied myself with getting my family dressed and out the door. About 1/2 way home the panicky, must-eat feeling subsided. :)

Anyway, feeling tired but healthier here in the Frozen Tundra

---Frozen Woman Out---

1 comment:

  1. I am going for it outside tomorrow. Might turn around after a block but hope to make it 2 miles.

    What are we going to do tomorrow night? I might need to do the homemade pizza plan for us. I love pizza. Maybe I should post about my love for it. :)
