Wednesday, December 2, 2009


--Goose, in--

It was a bad morning.

A verrrrrrrry bad morning.

I woke to rain and heard on the radio that it would continue all day long. How am I supposed to work off those four Zaxby chicken tenders and Zax special sauce?

Then the willful child melted down on the floor of the kitchen for 1/2 hour over her pants while I scrambled to help everyone get ready.

Then the dog pooped in the family room. And, yes, I kicked her, sue me.

As I was getting more agitated I flung open the pantry door to grab a ziploc baggie and knocked over an open box of thin spaghetti...spilled all over the floor.

It is the middle of my cycle and I feel particularly unstable with controlling my emotions.

The willful one continues to be excessively difficult, and then it happened. I snapped. And it was a spectacular snapping.

By the time I stormed to the car everyone was thoroughly upset. I sped them to school and the older ones got out with a look of disgust and contempt for me on their faces. A sweet face who loves the willful one and was ushering in the kids stood there and I told her the willful one might need some love from her, but to not hold against me whatever she says about me this morning.

I speed home.

But this blog isn't about my stellar parenting skills, its about exercise and eating healthy, so lets get to it...

I decide on my way home that I need to get a grip, and really, is it raining so hard? I could just take a quick brisk walk in it to get my heart pumping and my mind cleared and then go straight to the Shred.

I lace up, and don a raincoat, zipped to the top and hood up and head out. Not so bad. Refreshing, really. Its blowing a little and hitting my face, but, hey, its invigorating! Does the rain seem a bit heavier all of the sudden? Up ahead I see a lone walker with her dog. As we pass eachother I wonder if she had a bad morning too, or if she was just a really good dog owner, braving the elements for her dogs daily walk. I settled for "glad to see I am not the only insane person out today!" She laughed and commented that the rain had gotten significantly harder.

I am contemplating turning back as I notice the rivers flowing down the sides of the roads. Where at first I felt certain that I would be seen by passing cars as "charmingly insane", now, instead I feared I will be judged "institutionally insane". But then it seems to lighten just a bit. I decide to finish the loop and keep going.

I start to pray. Confess what an ogre I was this morning, how I am sure my pre-teen is at school thinking about what a psycho, out-of-control mother I am--because that is what I'd think about my mom when she'd lose it--ask God to help me have control over my hormonal upheaval every month, and then sensed the message from the Lord that I am to set a humble, human example to my children and go over to the school later and pull each child out of class to apologize to them, hug them and tell them I love them.

Feeling fresher I finally see my home in sight. I am on the main road now and many cars are passing on their way to work. I dread the potential for a good puddle splash right at the tail end of the walk. But, who am I kidding, at this point I am soaked to the skin anyway.

I make it home and peel off my pants which could have been wrung out if I so chose. I quick change and head downstairs to be brutalized by Jillian on level 2 of shred. I hate level 2. This was my 3rd day of it and I still don't like it. I hated Jillian today.

But now I am done! I did it! I worked out and its finished. Yay me, I can't believe I persevered with my bad attitude this morning. I drank a glass of water, had a bowl of Uncle Sams with frozen berries, and am now blogging with a cup of coffee.

It is now time to shower, clean myself up and get over to the school to give my precious kids some hugs.

--Goose, Out--

1 comment:

  1. These are the exact days we cannot let ourselves give up. You want to say, "I screwed up last night and now the world is against me in the morning so I am going to get back in bed and forget it". Or is that just me? Anyway, I know you perservered all day and I am proud of you.
