Monday, December 7, 2009

Stress eating

OK I admit it. I made bad choices this weekend. Not even sure I was trying not to. It wasn't that the temptation overcame me. I really just didn't even try. That is when it goes wrong for me. When I go into auto pilot and don't think about what I am doing.

I have been stressed this past week. Money. Which also caused me to stress spend money this weekend. Nothing horrible, all things we needed to spend money on because of the holidays. Well almost all things, I really didn't need to spend money on a ho ho mocha from Caribou. I am not sure I even wanted it but my hubby got one...
Part of this process is about understanding triggers. I know that planning helps me eat better and I know that when I am stressed I just react rather than planning or thinking through my actions. It all comes down to being prepared for the inevitable. My entire family and I need to eat 3 times a day. Why do I act like it might be different tomorrow? I will experience stress in my life. I will be tempted.

I have heard organizers say, "Just in case you don't know, Christmas is on December 25th this year." Of course it is every year but somehow when the holiday season comes we act surprised and rush to get ready. Just like we should be preparing for Christmas all year long, we need to prepare for the inevitable stressors that come into our lives and throw us off our healthy track.

So what can we do to prepare for our stressors? Today I am going to plan and shop for my menu for the week. I will post it tomorrow. I also need to plan for some healthy snacks to carry with me should I be out and tempted. I am thinking if I stock up on a few quick and simple basics then when we are feeling a money crunch and I am stressed I can toss together something quick and healthy rather than spending money on something quick and unhealthy. And finally maybe I need a new water bottle in my Christmas stocking I can carry with me (mine leaks) so I always have something to drink and am not tempted to spend money on a coffee drink that amounts to a meal replacement.

What else can I do?
As an update, I did my second body pump class this morning. I limped all weekend after the first one. This was not nearly as bad and I actually think I feel better than I did when I got up this morning. I am even tempted to try a run this afternoon when my son gets home. It does feel good to feel strong.

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