Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stream of Conciousness-Food Challenge Style

This is where I attempt to steal a blog post style from a famous blogger who shall remain nameless. Or maybe I'm trying to take an easy route because I feel too sick and miserable to even write this post. But again, I'm the one who came up with this challenge so I, at least, should be the one to keep going.

Saturday morning. Literally feels like forever ago.

That nights sleep had helped my sickness symptoms and so I decided to make up that workout that I had missed the day before. It was actually a pretty good workout and I ran for 45 minutes. When I got home, my parents, who were staying with us for the weekend to attend my son's birthday party, were standing around the stove making my famous Applesauce Oatmeal Pancakes. So when I walked in the door I was able to sit down and eat this. I can't tell you the treat it was to sit down, in my own home, to food that I didn't have to prepare myself. Amazing.

Unfortunately I got steadily sicker from that point on. I took a nap, drugged myself and was able to make it through the whole day. But I didn't care about the food I was eating. And I didn't want to photograph it. I did eat the left over pizza for lunch and had a taco bar for the supper portion for my son's birthday. But the other foods I ate are a haze of Chocolate Twizzlers (that are even that good) ice cream, Cheesy Salsa Dip, and even more scraps from the carving of the birthday cake.
And now it's Sunday morning, I didn't go to church. I sat downstairs while the rest of my family was off at church and ate cheesy dip and, yup, you guessed it, the last of the scraps of birthday cake.

This week has been interesting food experiment. I think I will write another post on what nuggets of insight and revelations this week had for me.

But that will be when I'm feeling better, and my ears are not plugged, and my lungs aren't burning, and my throat isn't sore, and my eyes aren't watering... Yup, I'll have to wait till then.

Iceman Out.

1 comment:

  1. It stinks to be sick. Derails everything. Hope you improve soon, I have had good luck with Zicam cutting down the length and severity of a cold.

    Cake is awesome!

    I was literally going to suggest the exact same thing, that all three of us need to write posts on what we learned through this food photographing experiment this week.
