Thursday, February 4, 2010

Maverick's Meals

OK People.  I am here.  I photographed all my foods.  While Goose is on her "high" week of the month I am on my "low" week of the month and just getting by.  I have not worked out in 2 days but think my body really needed it.  I a looking forward to my spin class today where the instructor has pre-warned us it will not be an interval class but we will be staying in zone 2 for an entire hour simply cruisng along using our power.  I must be on the verge of breaking free from this low week because this morning I can imagine being fairly productive.  If only someone would take little-miss-high-maintenance-drama-queen off my hands I actually might be able to relax and get something done.

So for breakfast yesterday:
Oatmeal with a little maple syrup and decalf English Breakfast tea.

Left over Jambalya from dinner the other night.  And a glass of water not pictured.
Isabelle made her own sandwich:
Then in an effort to get out of pretending I was the "mommy dog" while spending promised mommy and Isabelle time together we decided to do something I knew I shouldn't...we made cookies.
Check me out...I can mix a batch of cookies while also photographing my daughter cracking an egg in the batter.
My little chef
I froze 2 dozen balls of dough ready to pop in the oven for a couple fresh warm cookies whenever we want to have a tea party.  Of course my son and husband think they are there for the to have a quick cookie dough fix so if I am not careful they eat them all before I get to make any.
The finished product being shown off by custard the cat.

I will say I was very controled about eating the cookie dough even though I really love it and I would by lying if I didn't confess to eating a few cookies but I brought the rest to church to share with friends so they would be out of the house.  So none left today.

Dinner was my typical lazy, rushed meal of spaghetti.  I put a couple frozen meatballs in there as well.

I did drink more than the one glass of water but definately have identified over the past couple weeks that I am seriously deficient in this area of my life.  I used to put a pitcher of water on the counter every morning which I would drink all day long but somehow even knowing I need to do it again haven't been able to get back in the habit.  Today when I return from spin class I will do so!

And now I am off before I am too late and don't get a bike!


  1. Yeah!!!! I'm very impressed that you did this challenge even when you are feeling "low." That's some definite rising to the occasion. I'm also very impressed with freezing the dough. I'd just bake all the cookies and then curse that they were in the house. Way to go. Thanks for playing along. :)

  2. okay, unless you are leaving out some snacks or beverages-minus the cookies-this really isn't enough food for a day when doing a lot of exercising, if your photographs are the only portion of the food you ate. maybe that is why you are feeling low and sluggish. the cookies gave you a quick sugar spike and then crash, also.

    get some fruit in there, some nuts, and more water you will feel better.

    cracked up at your breakfast pic. i even saw the bible in the corner of the you always start off your mornings in such a lovely way with a breakfast tray and teapot?

  3. ha ha. I have been thinking that you don't eat enough too...ha ha. I guess I didn't eat much yesterday but I felt fine. I really think water is the issue and have been dilegently downing it all day. It is 3:30 and my usual time to snack. I can't recall what was going on yesterday that I didn't snack...Oh yes I did snack, the cookies. Today will be my favorite nut pack and more water. And probably popcorn. Jake just arrived home with 5 friends and I a feeling like old mother hubbard. I do have popcorn but not even butter to pour over it. Sad, he finally brings home friends and I have nothing. OH Cookies...

  4. Oh forgot the breakfast...I don't always start off so lovely but do like to make my life feel special. I had the tray and pot out from the night before and thought a cup of tea with breakfast sounded perfect with my morning devotional. You won't be quite as impressed with my breakfast picture from today, I was much more rushed this morning...
