Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Grumbling Goose

I've hit a wall.

Have not exercised in 2 days and my eating has been poor for the last week.

I am so tired of this terrible, cold winter! I am tired of running in the cold.

I just discovered I have been having 25 day cycles. Perhaps this is my hormonal issues...why are they so short?

Scared of the scale. Don't want to derail all my hard efforts the last 4 months! Somebody perk me up!!!


  1. Roomie - followed the link on your blog to this blog, and sat here at work for the last hour reading every entry! (guess i better get back to work!) :) entertaining and motivating! so funny that today was the day i read this because today is the day i am starting my challenge to myself. we go to mexico a month from tomorrow and i've decided to ramp up my exercising and eat better for that month and see what happens. you have done so amazingly well so far - does it motivate you to know that you've motivated me?!? bundle-up and go for a quick run today - even though it's cold. you don't have to go for the full 3 miles if you're not up for it - and just's always colder here! you're awesome!!!

  2. Wow, we must have some Vulcan mind meld going on... (did you ever watch Star Trek? I know, I'm a geek) Last night I went to the grocery store at 8pm and stocked up on all things healthy. We have been eating SO MUCH crap here lately. And it's my fault, I bring it in the house. I was begging the Lord yesterday to fill me with self-control. Today I got up and went running, and we've been eating the healthy food today. I've been praying that today is the turning point.

    Don't worry about the scale. It will still be there tomorrow. Pop in a yoga DVD or maybe even Jillian. Just a little something to push you into some action.

    THROW AWAY THE CRAPPY FOOD! No one is strong enough to battle temptation day in and day out.

    Lastly, don't be too hard on yourself. You know yourself well enough by now to know that you will get back to it. We all have cycles in our lives, literally and figuratively. You'll be back in action in no time. You've got that triathalon to do. :) Don't peak too earlly in your training though. Training is a marathon, not a sprint.

    25 day cycle, that's me with the low progesterone. Low progesterone can make you feel sluggish...

  3. You're good enought, you're strong enough and doggone it, people like you. ha ha.

    Iron, a friend who was also feeling very sluggish went in recently and was told she needed iron. the doctor told her that most women are iron deficient because of giving birth, periods and the fact that we eat so little red meat these days. I have some but keep forgetting to take it. I have been really sluggish this week too. We should try it together for a month and see if we notice a difference.

    Yesterday I was going to skip working out when Isabelle walks in and asks me when we are going to the Y. She motivated me out the door, I had decided not to go before that.
