Sunday, January 31, 2010

Goose's Training Update...

I am feeling like a lean, mean, sprint triathlete machine! I feel like if the race was tomorrow I could get through it, although I still have a lot of work to do to learn what it feels like to put all three together simultaneously and swim/bike/run. I am training so well for this tri right now, that I hope I can keep it up for when it really counts, because technically I could have gone from couch to training starting in say March and still be fine. Will I lose my mojo at some point? probably. Consistency has to be the theme of my life this year. Keep getting back on the horse.

I have fallen into a rhythm of 3 runs, 2 bikes, 1 swim a week. And I'm still doing the shred. I no longer hate Jillian. I love her.

When I cold-turkey started biking the 12 miles, it took me 50 min. I have been whittling that down little by little, and yesterday I rode the 12 miles in 45 min!

Swimming will be my ace in the hole, hopefully. I discovered my first session swimming laps that I am a natural in the pool. I love being in the water swimming laps and I can see that Evie's mad skills in the pool are not just a gene-pool anomoly, but actually can be traced back to me. I did try swim team for awhile as a teen, but had such severe sinus issues I had to quit. But I remember loving it then too. I just do not get bored swimming laps in the pool, and I don't really even get all that tired doing it either. I wonder how it will differ in a lake. Well for sure I will not be able to do flip turns, and there will be people pounding around me, I wonder how that will affect my time.

Anyway, my fist 16 laps (equiv of 1/4 mi) I did in the pool after not swimming laps for years and years, I did in 10 min...I did it again and did it in 9 min. Last week when H and I went to swim laps I did it in 7 min, over and over again. We swim laps for 40 min when we go. I also did some kicking laps with the kick board, and that really felt like a workout for my legs more than just the lap swimming did.

So, I am excited for the swimming portion of the race. And hoping that I can whittle another couple mins off my biking. The run, who knows, I think I run 3 in maybe a little less than 30 min, but haven't been on a treadmill to know for sure. I have a new course that I run now...more hills and longer distance, I've been running for about 35 min without stopping and want to get that up to 40 min. In the spring I will start putting the training together and do a bike run, or a swim bike, to see what those transitions feel like.

I am within like a pound of my goal weight and feel really good, and want to just continue to work on strengthening my muscles in my arms and legs and abs and core, along with keeping up the cardio to maintain my massive efforts to pull my body back together!

My pre-cycle week last week was a total disaster with food. Good grief, seriously a wreck! Now suddenly I am not even thinking about food. It truly is the cycle. So annoying. I think I will track this month to see how I feel each week about life and eating and exercising. It will help me not to give up when I have a bad week and eat 4 slices of pizza, or snarf the rest of the bag of potato chips. I will know its because I am a female who does not respond well to horomonal fluctuations and it will pass in a few days. hahaha.

Keep up the good work girls!! I want to FOR SURE have us signed up for something for when we are up in MN this summer. And I really would like to try the TC duathlon this fall if possible.

Goose Ouuuuuuuut.

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