Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday Night Weigh in #10

Wasn't it the hare that said, "Slow and steady wins the race?" Well I guess that's me this time. It's a frustrating conclusion to come to. But at least it's coming off at all, huh? And really what's the other option, to quit? To give up? I just can't go there. I was my correct weight such a short time ago. The memory is still too fresh of how good it felt to give up now. All that to say, I only lost 1 lb this week, but I'm feeling good about it and I have been sufficiently pumped up from my meeting last night. :)

This week my non-weight goal is to not eat any BLT's. I am SO guilty of taking a bite off a kid's cookie. Or "sampling" the lunch that I'm making for the kids. Today has been good so far. As with everything in my life, I'm posting it on my refrigerator so that I'm reminded multiple times a day. :)

wk #10:
Weight Loss this week: -1.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: -17.4 lbs
Pounds to reach goal: 38.8 lbs (THIS feels good! Less than 40 lbs?! That's do-able!)


  1. 17.4 lbs lost!!! That's fantastic!

    keep up the good work!

  2. You're doing it. A pound is a pound in the right direction! You go girl!!!!

  3. Ah, you guys are the greatest :)

  4. You are well on your way!! And your right, slow and steady wins the race!! :D

  5. You're doing great. One pound isn't much but you are about 1/3 of the way to the goal and that is alot. What you have left is nothing. You are looking great. You are being further refined for this next stage of your life in this process with slower results. Just like raising children. Not always immediate results but the small things over the years make a huge impact. Keep up the good work.

  6. Good Luck tonight my friend! May the scale be on your side :-)

  7. Julia, it was so much fun getting a comment from you on my blog this week! I decided to take a peek at yours. 17.4 pounds is a lot of weight to lose! I would be thrilled to lose that much! Is this your secret...keeping a blog to stay accountable? Keep up the good work...and Happy Easter!
