Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 5 - Into the home stretch 10 miler training


What a fun surprise! I just logged on to post and see that Iceman has been busy sprucing up our little blog!! Very nice and well done, Iceman! :)

But back to business...


I am feeling it, it will probably take the next week until the race for my legs to recover. But it went well. E is in the middle of the 3 day GA state swim meet and the last two mornings we have had to be at the pool at 7am, so I wasn't sure how I was going to get this 9 mile run in because I can barely tolerate the heat/humidity when I run at 7:30am, I would never consider running in the middle of the day when we get home from the meet session.

But today I had the genius idea to call my girlfriend with a gym in her basement and asked her if I could come over and run for a very, very long time on her treadmill. Wow, what a difference an indoor treadmill run is compared to the rugged outdoors, the weather elements, changing elevations and raw, pounding asphalt and concrete! I have worried that I am not much of a runner as each outdoor run is different and I never know if its going to be hard or easy when I head out.

This climate-controlled (air conditioned room with ceiling fan), 0% incline, smooth running surface with a tv in front of my face, towel for wiping sweat, and jumbo water bottle within reach run was like a filet mignon run compared to the bologne on wonder bread sandwich outdoor summer runs I have been doing. Not to say it was easy...I mean, I ran 9 miles people. It took me almost 1 1/2 hours. That is a lot of running. I was dripping with sweat, my legs felt a little crampy at the end and my toes were bothering me.

But I was very pleased with myself. I ran at 6.5 mph for the first 6 miles, then I slowed to 6 mph for mile 7 and then I was wanting to get finished and felt good so I kicked it up to 7 mph for mile 8, then down to 5.5 mph for 1/2 mile and then 6 mph to finish out the last 1/2 mile. And the treadmill told me I burned over 1,000 calories, can that be possible? No wonder you can eat whatever you want when you run!

Now, if I can only hope for a smooth, relatively flat run course in Stillwater next weekend, I should be able to get through it. However, I hear Stillwater is pretty hilly. That will be a killer for sure.

Didn't Shred even once this week, just couldn't make it happen I guess. One more day of state swim meet tomorrow, and then Monday morning bright and early I am hitting the road with the girls for a 1000 mile road trip up to MN from GA. Luckily I am supposed to take it easy this week...I think 2 days sitting in a car qualifies. I am only supposed to run a 3 and a 2 before the race next Saturday.

Have I mentioned that H did wrestle me to the ground and convince me to sign up for another sprint triathlon with her in September? So I guess there will be a new countdown ticker on the blog after the race next weekend. But that is it!! That is all I am doing until the spring...I will get into an easier groove of normal 3-4 mile runs and work on some new strength training through the winter.

So this weeks workouts...

Monday: OFF
Tuesday: 5 mile run, abs and pushups
Wednesday: 3 mile run with my biking sidekick, Sarah, abs and pushups
Thursday: 5 mile run, abs and pushups
Friday: OFF
Saturday: 9 mile run
Sunday: OFF (maybe shred, but I doubt it)

Next weeks update will be about the race!

Goose Out


  1. Glad you like the new blog format. :)

    And you wonder why I prefer running on treadmills! I can't believe how fast you were running! I'm so impressed. Running 7 mph! I've never gone that fast! Wow, you are really doing well. I'm embarrassed to see you next week. You're at you peak physical condition and I'm just getting softer and softer... Ah well, I'm so pleased with all you progress. It must feel so empowering and energizing. :)

  2. Oh I like the new format too. Fun surprise. Iceman's contribution to the blog during preganancy. Can't wait to see Goose next week. You rock! I guess the tv probably helped because I want to shoot myself after 5 miles on a treadmill. Although I have that at the Y and still hate treadmill running. Maybe you should do a hot run once. It was 90's and humid yesterday and Stillwater is well known for its hilly terain. Excited for you.

  3. UGH! I don't want to run hills!!! And trust me, allll my runs are hot! I feel confident that I am conditioned to heat/humid runs even though I am not good at them...i am darn near giddy that they will have water tables set up throughout the course! let the games begin!
