Friday, February 11, 2011

Forgetfulness and Frozen Parfaits

I am 36 years old and I had something happen to me that has never happened before.

I forgot to eat.

What's that, you say! Forgot to eat?! I do that all the time!

Well I don't. Oh, there have been times in my life where I have chosen not to eat. There's been times where I push it off. But I don't forget. I've always been keenly aware of my hunger. I can tell when it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. I am acutely aware of it getting stronger and more demanding. It has always been a conscious choice and effort to skip breakfast, or wait till I got home to eat even though I would be "starving".

But the other day my 5 children and I had homeschool co-op. It's always crazy getting out the door and I hadn't had time to eat. But I made myself a Greek Yogurt Parfait that I thought I would eat in the car. Well in the car I decided that I would wait to eat until I got there because, lets face it, eating a parfait while driving is a little tricky and I didn't have that far to go.

So we get to co-op and I get immersed in handing out Valentines, stopping children from crying during devotions, nursing babies and finally giving up and taking everyone to the nursery. Then the nursery starts to fill up with Moms and babies and I'm chatting away... Then my friend Mary walks in about a half hour before lunch, munching on a sandwich and this wave a realization hits me! One - I have a, now probably frozen, parfait in the car, and two - I am REALLY hungry.

So I guess there are new experiences to be had, even at the ripe old age of 36.

Oh, and the parfait was only partially frozen and was quite yummy.

Iceman Out

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha. Life really has taken on a whole new dimension in your world. I rarely forget to eat either. I remember not caring enough to eat after Isabelle because I was so tired but I didn't forget.

    You are making it happen. Keep up the good work.
