Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Up from the Depths...

Hello World,

I don't even know what to title this post. It's me, Iceman, it's so cold here in the Northern Tundra that "Iceman" is an appropriate handle.

As my wingmen have said, I did, in fact, just give birth to babe #5. Well, it's been a month now. Is that still considered, "just giving birth,"? It sure feels like it. I'm still trying to get my brain wrapped around my new "normal." Somehow the jump from 4 to 5 kids is a BIG jump. What DO you do with the newborn who's crying and hungry while trying to explain the finer points of multiplication to my 8 year old. Or dealing with a screaming 4 year old and 2 year old who can't share while I'm handicapped by the nursing baby and the book that I'm trying to read to my 6 year old. (Yes, this all did happen this morning...) This will all get easier, right?

Oops, little break. The 2 year old just whacked the 6 year old in the head with the business end of a plastic sword. Oops, another break, 8 year old needed some direction with math.

I'm back.

So as for body reclaiming. Here's what I know:

1. With a stronger body I know I will better take on this physically challenging role.
2. Being physically more capable will help me to be emotionally more capable. Plus all those feel good endorphins from exercise.
3. Looking nice helps me feel better about myself.

So what IS a good plan for an already maxed out schedule.

Well I am going back to Weight Watchers Tonight! Waa Hoo! O.k. I'm a little apprehensive about going back because I'm not really there, mentally, to start being disciplined with my diet. I'm hoping for a big "kick in the pants" tonight that jump starts that mental change.

I have joined a small gym that I haven't actually been to yet. I remember with the last baby, telling my husband that when the baby starts to wake only two times at night I'll start going. Well I'm already there with this one. Yet working-out 4 weeks postpartum seems insurmountable. Maybe this week I'll work on the diet and next week we will start in with that gym.

O.k. back to school, babies, well, life. Hoping I hit my stride sooner than later.

Iceman down but not out.... :)


  1. Oh I had butterflies of excitement as I opened this post knowing I would hear the game plan of iceman. So does this mean you are going to take on my challenge? Or the modification Goose suggested in the comments actually? You are a step ahead of me. I still haven't joined a gym. I am amazed at how emotional the decision of where to join has become for me. Anyway, next week I will be starting. I actually have started thinking about running on a treadmill all the time lately. I am obsessed with it. I lay in bed at night thinking about torturing myself on the thing. Is that wrong?

  2. Julia. Good for you. How did Weight Watchers go? Which meeting are you going to? If you need a morning workout friend that can help hold you accountable you know where my house is and I would love to start working out with you again. We have added a treadmill (bought Tiffany's old one) so you can rotate between the treadmill and the elliptical. Just let me know. I will be praying for you.
