Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday Night Weigh in #5

So it was a pretty discouraging week this week. I don't exactly know what I did wrong, I tracked my food, I stayed within my points range. It sure didn't show up on the scale though. I actually had a gain. Eeek, what that won't do to bring you down. And with that came the realization that my new leader is very different from my old leader. My old leader would've said, "So what do you think went wrong this week?" And give you the good ole' pep talk one needs after such a blow. But this leader, nice as she is, said nothing. It was even this uncomfortable silence once my weight came up. I want my Karen back!!! Ugh! Anyway, I know this drill. After an internal pep-talk I am re-grouping and feeling good about it all. I took some definable steps of planning out exactly what I will be eating this week and ridding the house of any temptations, even Weight Watcher approved temptations. There are no thoughts of giving up, I am in it for the long hall!

So wk #5:
Weight Loss this week: +.4 lbs (It's O.k. It's O.k. I won't lose heart!)
Total Weight Loss: -11.8 lbs
Pounds to reach goal: 45.2

1 comment:

  1. okay girl, you're not even talking about 1/2 a lb...it could have been a chunky necklace you were wearing, or too much wire in your bra. :)

    So proud of you for keeping a positive perspective...you CAN do this and you are in it for the long haul lifestyle of it all, so you WILL succeed! Go get 'em, Tiger!
