Saturday, April 24, 2010

Gear Up

When I started running almost 6 years ago one of the bonus features was that I didn't need to put out any financial commitment.  I simply put on a pair of running shoes I had bought several years before, which the dog we briefly had chewed the heels out of, a pair of knit shorts, an old t-shirt and hit the road.  After a week or so I made the commitment of a running tank and short and some new socks and a few months later made my first purchase of shoes from the Nike outlet store.  I went along with that small sampling of gear for a good couple years.  While I must confess to still wearing some of those 6 year old clothes I have recently purchased my 5th pair of running shoes.

This is the second pair I bought through a running store where someone knowledgeable in running shoe science actually helped me choose the appropriate pair.  I have enjoyed a few runs in them but with my knee still acting up I am keeping my runs pretty short.  The new shoes are for a neutral foot.  I discovered that my old shoes were stability shoes which I really didn't need and potentially contributed to my IT band injury.  I guess the professionals don't always get it right.

While I haven't been able to run much this winter I have enjoyed a weekly spin class which has really improved my biking skills.  (At leased I think it has, my bike is still hanging from the garage ceiling at the moment.)  The spin bikes have the option of either wearing your regular shoes and sticking your toes in a little basket on the pedal or wearing clip bike shoes and locking your foot to the pedal.  Having now used the basket for almost 5 months and getting used to the push and pull you experience from that I knew I wanted to be able to ride like that on the road.  I went to REI to check out the bike shoe options and told the sales people several times I was there only to check them out and try a few on but I would not be buying.  Seriously I must have said it at least 4 times to the different sales people in the area.  As you can imagine, in the end I bought a pair.  They were on a great sale and happened to be the only ones that were really comfortable on my weird feet.

Thursday  I brought them in and the spin instructor taught me how they work.  I managed to get on and off the spin bike without a problem.  Of course I didn't have to try and balance the bike while doing so.  We will see how it goes in the real world hopefully soon.  But in the spin world it was fun to have the clip shoes for the class.  One thing I noticed with my new running shoes is that they are much softer so when I would wear them for spin they didn't give me the stability I needed.  The new bike shoes are nice and firm for the ride.

As I prepare for this upcoming triathlon I am becoming obsessed with the gear situation.  I really hate having the wrong gear.  I am not one that needs to have everything, the latest and greatest, but I do want to have the right thing that makes me feel comfortable.  I read a great little side article in a magazine a few months ago.  Someone wrote in and said they were new to exercising and what did they need to know so they wouldn't look stupid at the club.  The answer gave some very basic ideas but ended by telling her to go buy a new workout outfit because if you looked like you knew what you were doing everyone would assume you did.  The best advice EVER.  That is how I determine who knows what they are doing and who doesn't when I see people exercising.  Thus I want to at least LOOK like I know what I am doing.  There are so many other things to stress about with this triathlon, I don't want to be distracted because I am wearing the wrong clothes and afraid everyone is looking at me and laughing. (Yes I have issues, move on.)  So I am currently wondering what I should wear to swim in.  It will need to be something I can then bike and run in.  Now I don't really require a heavy duty running bra or anything but I would probably be a little more comfortable in something with more support than my current swim suit which is really designed for laying next to the pool not swimming in it.   So the answer to that question will likely be my next purchase.

We are getting down to the wire.  6 weeks from today Goose and I will be standing at the starting line (actually it is 2pm as I write so 6 weeks from right now hopefully we will be celebrating our success.)  I guess it is time to get serious about our training.  I have been working on all the parts but haven't put any together yet.  I have sort of come to the conclusion that I may be walking part of the tri.  My knee doesn't seem to want me to run more than 2 miles.  I am hoping by the race I can do the whole 3 miles.  I am rolling and stretching my leg everyday.  I know Goose has started combining a few parts and it seems to be going well.  I have been toying with trying an even easier triathlon than this one next weekend but I lack that other person who will brave a new adventure with me.  Anyone want to do the lifetime indoor triathlon with me next weekend?